

🌱 I'm a doctoral student in the Learning Sciences and Technologies program at the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, I’m part of Yasmin Kafai’s research team where we study youth and their interactions with computing, how we can support learners in creating AI/ML powered projects, and how young people develop and integrate conceptual and critical understandings about AI/ML and computing.


Current projects include addressing the following questions:

  • What are youth’s everyday conceptual understandings of machine learning?

  • What role do failure and edge cases play in how youth make sense of how machine learning applications work?

  • How do novices debug machine learning powered applications?

  • How can we engage young people in algorithm auditing?

  • What emotions do youth experience when encountering failure while creating machine learning models?

  • How can computing be introduced as a socio-technical field in K-12 education?

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